Send your deductions payment - 3. Send your deductions payment

From Canada Revenue Agency

3. Send your deductions payment

What you need

  • your payroll program (RP) account number;.
  • which payday(s) you are remitting for;
  • your remitting period end date;
  • your gross payroll in the remitting period;
  • the number of employees you paid on your last payday in the remitting period;
  • your remitter type and remitting frequency;
  • your remittance due date.

Open a payroll account if you don't have one.

Find out when to send deductions payments for details about your remitting type and frequency.

Make your payment

Other ways to pay

My Business Account:
With the pre-authorized debit option.
In person:
With your Canadian financial institution.
Online or telephone banking
Pay by online banking.
Third-party service provider:
Pay by third-party service provider.
Non-residents can Pay by wire-transfer.
By cheque or money order.

Threshold 2 accelerated remitters

If you are a threshold 2 accelerated remitter, you must remit either electronically or at a Canadian financial institution. Go to Failure to make a payment to a Canadian financial institution (Threshold 2 remitter), for more information. If you wish to use a third-party service provider, make sure it will follow these rules.

If you remit electronically, you may receive only electronic statements.

Forms and publications

Related links

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